Thank you for registering!
You should receive an email confirmation shortly.
Please remember that the full cost of registration is due no later than March 15, 2024.
2024 Convention Registration
May 2nd – 5th, 2024 | Tri-Cities, WA
3-Day Pass
Includes all the non-stop action that Convention has to offer.
4-to-a-Room $365
3-to-a-Room $410
2-to-a-Room $490
1-to-a-Room $740
- 3 days access to Convention activities, Thursday arrival and Sunday departure
- Three nights stay at Red Lion Hotel Pasco
- Meals include Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast buffet
- Exclusive Convention t-shirt included
- Eligible to vote if an Active DeMolay in Washington who has obtained their Proficiency Card
2-Day Pass
For those who can’t escape work or school on a Thursday, join us on Friday!
4-to-a-Room $325
3-to-a-Room $355
2-to-a-Room $410
1-to-a-Room $575
- 2 days access to Convention activities, Friday arrival and Sunday departure
- Two nights stay at Red Lion Hotel Pasco
- Meals include Friday lunch through Sunday breakfast buffet
1-Day Pass
Most popular for those who wish to stay after joining for the Grand Banquet and Ball.
4-to-a-Room $185
3-to-a-Room $200
2-to-a-Room $225
1-to-a-Room $310
- 1 day access to Convention activities, Saturday arrival and Sunday departure
- One night stay at Red Lion Hotel Pasco
- Meals include Saturday lunch and banquet dinner and Sunday breakfast buffet
Tier 1 Price Discount
Save $40 if registered and paid in full by January 20, 2024.
Tier 2 Price Discount
Save $20 if registered and paid in full by February 15, 2024.
Tier 3 prices shown above are based on rooming with the number of chosen room occupants every room night. Actual charges may be adjusted upon check-in to reflect actual room occupancy.
Can't pay all at once?
You have the option of paying the entire cost of attendance at the time of registration, or in one or more payments after you register. The entire cost of your registration must be paid in full by the March 15th deadline. Your registration is subject to cancellation for failure to pay in full by this deadline.
Parent Consent and Medical Release
All registrants under the age of 21 at the time Convention starts is considered a “youth” for this event, even if over the legal age of majority. All youth attendees must have their parent or legal guardian complete the Parent Consent & Medical Release Form before check-in.
Rooming at Pasco Red Lion
The following restrictions apply to all rooms:
Room occupants must be of the same gender.
Youth attendees under the age of 21 cannot be in the same room as adults 21 years or older.
Youth attendees must be within a three-year age difference (e.g., 12-14) at the time of Convention.
The cost of your registration may be adjusted based on the actual number of occupants assigned to your room. We strongly encourage you to indicate preferred roommates which meet our housing requirements to prevent any changes in your cost to attend. We will make every effort to accommodate your requests, but please keep in mind that room assignments are made at the sole discretion of Convention staff.
Individual Registration
Each registrant must complete the individual registration form no later than March 15, 2024.